Life - what is it about?

I suppose it would be easy to try and throw a lot of words and phrases around under this heading but in order to keep it simple I believe it's all about people and places, with one underlying "matter" dictating and determining everything - "your health", whether physical or mental. I know that this can limit and restrict activity, but I have been inspired over the years meeting people who have put me to shame with their accomplishments and who have only increased my resolve "to do" rather than the alternative "I can't"!

My underlying reason for this site is to encourage and inspire perople, of all ages and backgrounds, to "get up and do" and although I can only write about my self, I do not want it to be about me. That might seem both strange and indeed paradoxical as most of the content is going to be about me but I want to portray the simple message - "if I can you can".