I used to have thoughts that formed rhyme's in my head and getting out and about these became more focused and into poems so I started writing them down. Basically they are and were for me but then I started sharing some on my facebook page, so I decided to include some on this site.
People would ask me what podcasts I listen to when I'm out walking. Well I don't - I listen and look at nature and let them speak to me!
Here are a few of my poems:
The Tree
I found you
When I wasn't expecting to
So Beautiful, so vibrant,
You stopped me in my tracks
I let you take me in
I looked around
Yes, there were others
But none shone like you
Nothing spoke to me the way you did
No others touched my heart
I watched you as the seasons passed
And as you changed I listened to you
When the wind blew rustling through you leaves
When the rain came dripping raindrops from your brnaches
When the Sun shone you glistened and reflected the light
Always you stood, upright, strong and proud
Commanding attention
And you spoke to me
Be strong, be courageous
Trials will come
Wind and rain will try to dampen your spirit
Clouds will block out the sun
But remain true to Yourself
Trust Yourself
Believe in your roots
You need different season
They help you grow
Still Waters
Still waters
Stunning view
Reflecting back
Sky so blue
Didn't know
You were there
Before my eyes
I stopped to stare
Crstal clear
Not a breeze
Perfect picture
My heart at ease
Trees stand strong
Tall and lean
Reflections true
Perfect scene
When all around
Chaos reigns
Stop and think
Loose your chains
Feel that heat
Of midday sun
Rise again
Have some fun